At Biofarmtech we have combined long experience in dynamic milking testing with the knowledge about milk production and cattle breeding. We understand and know how to solve problems experienced by the dairy industry. We know how to apply the VaDia dynamic testing technology to identify the source of problems of milking systems. Through in-depth analysis and personal consultancy, we can help to improve milk quality, enhance production and reduce production expenses.
We are the exclusive VaDia (BioControl) technology distributor in Poland. We train, educate, and actively promote good practices in providing animal comfort, production efficiency, and sustainable growth of dairy farms.
is better
than cure.
the Biofarmtech owner,
Engineer, Consultant, and Diary Advisor.
I advise dairy farmers and professionals on how to identify milking machine installations problems. I know how to reduce expenses of treating mastitis and improve milk quality. To increase profitability of a farm, I conduct data analysis and optimize production.
I have worked in the dairy cattle business and technology for over 18 years. I also co-developed the VaDia technology at BioControl, Norway. Having thorough knowledge of the device, I know how to put VaDia potential to practice, train farmers in how to use VaDia and conduct data analysis both in Poland and worldwide (e.g. in Canada, Ireland, Denmark, and Norway).
As the owner of and an independent Biofarmtech consultant and advisor, I have supported diary cattle farmers and professionals, educated and shared my knowledge and experience in dairy industry conferences.
In private, I am a dad, fascinated by new technologies as well as sailing that has taught me how to think, plan, and analyze.
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